Sarah visited my home

Sarah just left. I invited her here for the 15-day stretch where I had 3 musicals to go to. It was her graduation gift... I'm the best aunt ever.
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Mert, her mom (my bone-marrow matcher) came up with her for the first 5 days. Neither one of them had ever visited Pittsburgh before. Mert visited me when I first bought my house, but she was helping get me settled in and we didn't venture into the city. This was the inaugural visit. I hadn't done much in Pittsburgh in the year I'd been here either, so we were all going on the same expedition.
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Well, the visit didn't start off well. My air-conditioner died a few days before their arrival and hadn't been replaced yet. We all had to huddle down in the basement where I had my handy portable A/C I bought the last time the central A/C failed. They slept on the pull-out couch; I resumed my position on the basement floor... where I spent my first 4 months in this house. Luckily the repairmen were coming the next day to REPLACE both the A/C and the furnace... thanks to my home warranty (which only has one month left!).
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The night they arrived I got caught at work and they had to enter my house without me. Mert had seen the house when I first bought it, but that was almost a year's worth of improvements ago. I called her just as she entered my kitchen. She squealed with delight. "Judy! It's gorgeous! You are so lucky!!!" "You like it?" "I LOVE it!" What timing.